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Property Boundary Surveys in Colorado Springs And Beyond
A boundary survey is one of the most common land surveying and mapping services in both residential and commercial niches. This form of lot survey is typically used to establish the precise boundaries and corners of a parcel of land. In many instances, property owners may need to determine the boundaries of a property to ensure that improvements do not infringe on official property lines.
Whether it is for a general boundary survey or to survey property lines for a fence, boundary surveys must be carried out by experienced professionals to ensure property lines have been precisely defined. In many cases, our team at Apex Land Surveying and Mapping LLC will also identify improvements (structures), rights-of-way, easements, and other critical elements associated with the property. The results of your boundary survey depend on the type of service you choose.

​This form of survey is used to identify property lines, but it can also help property developers subdivide current parcels of land into smaller allotments. In many cases, the results of your survey are sent to the local county and municipality for deposit or recordation to become a public record.
There is a range of different boundary-related services that our team at Apex Land Surveying and Mapping LLC provides to our Colorado Springs area clients. We cover all your land surveying needs, from creating land survey boundary markers to separating condo units in a building. Here are some of the specific boundary surveys we provide:
ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey
A survey that meets ALTA/NSPS standards
Most common in the commercial property niche
Exhibits a wide range of property features, including easements, improvements (structures), rights-of-way, and other critical elements
Additional Table A provides optional survey add-ons to be negotiated between client and surveyor
In most cases, a title commitment will be required
An ALTA/NSPS survey is certified to the seller, lender, title company, and buyer
The results of the ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey are sent to local authorities to be made a public record
Annexation Map
Annexation maps annex a parcel of property into a city’s limits
Typically, a sixth of the boundary of the plot of land must adjoin to the current city limits
Annexation maps must follow Colorado state laws and regulations – Colorado Revised Statute 31-12-107
The plan is completed and then sent to the relevant municipality for recording
Land Survey Plat (LSP)
Reveals the official boundary lines, rights-of-way, and easements
A land survey plat (LSP) does not show improvements (structures) on your property
Replaces lost monuments – commonly known as pins or markers that indicate the property’s official corners
Must follow Colorado laws and regulations – Colorado Revised Statute 38-51-106
A title commitment is preferable
The results of the survey are sent to local authorities to be made a public record
Improvement Survey Plat (ISP)
Effectively a land survey plat (LSP) with more information on additional elements
These additional elements reveal precise locations of all improvements (structures) located on a particular property
Shows easements, rights-of-way, and visible utilities
Exhibits structural infringements within 5 feet of property lines
A title commitment is often preferable
Must follow local and state regulations
Topographic data is also available (by request)
The results of the survey are sent to local authorities to be made a public record
Subdivision Plat
Separates land to create a subdivision
Also used to alter lot lines of a current plot of land
Adjoins multiple lots together to form a subdivision
Must follow the standards of local and state authorities
Local and or county authorities will inspect the results
The results of the subdivision plat are sent to local county authorities to be made a public record
Vacation Plat
This is used to vacate a piece of property to transfer shared areas or rights-of-way to neighboring properties
Condominium Map
Separates a building into separate units to be sold
Exhibits the improvements (structures) on the property
Displays the limited common elements – such as units, parking spaces, or other areas of the property – that are available for individual purchase
Measures the interior components of each unit
Determines both the volume and area of all limited common areas and general common areas
Displays general common elements – shared elements within the property, such as shared rooms and staircases
The results of the condominium map are sent to local authorities to be made a public record
Contact Our Team to Discuss Residential Services
Are you looking to get a property boundary survey done in Colorado Springs? If you require any of the residential services mentioned on this page, get in touch with our team at Apex Land Surveying and Mapping LLC to discuss your particular needs. We work closely with residential clients to protect their interests. We also offer free estimates for all residential services. Call us today to get started!